All rights reservedYue, YufengWang, LiyaoHuang, YuciShi, Haochen2023-11-202023-11-202017978-989-99801-3-6 (E-Book) of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017Since the 1980s, the Urban Regime Theory, which interprets the influencing factors affecting urban spatial forms was initially proposed in the U.S. Because of this theory developing a new way to interpret urban forms from the perspective of social science, it occupies the dominating position in the system of urban study theory. The founders of this theory, Logan and Molotch (1987) maintained that these factors could be concluded as three types of forces, which represented the interest of governing party, financial group and community organisation. Meanwhile Stone (1989) pointed out that the coaction of these forces decides most urban spatial forms at the material level. Based on their views, the aim of this essay is to interpret how the change of spatial forms is affected by each force and how these forces interact in deciding spatial form evolution. To start with, the theoretical model of urban regime theory will be introduced. Then, two cases about new town planning in UK will be discussed to evaluate the change of spatial forms and the different spatial characteristics caused by each force. Furthermore, the interaction of three forces in spatial evolution will be interpreted through the studying case in China. Finally, new conceptual model will be proposed, which could explain the relationship among three forces in influencing urban spatial forms. The conclusion indicates that the urban spatial forms are affected by three types of forces reflected in different aspects mainly including spatial structure, transportation system, land shape, land-use, density and accessibility of infrastructure etc. Depend on it, the cause of different spatial forms could be explained much clearly.EnglishopenAccessThe change of urban spatial forms and its influencing factors from town planning to community evolutionconferenceObject3203-3210