CC BY 4.0Ruijsink, Saskia2024-01-232024-01-232023978-908-28191-9-9 of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023Urban planning, design and place based approaches have regained importance on the Dutch policy agenda. Especially integrated place based approaches are promoted to address complex intertwined societal and environmental challenges at various scale levels, in urban and rural contexts. However, there is limited understanding about how integration comes about. This paper addresses this gap by focusing on agency of place. It develops an analytical framework for assessing the role of agency of place, actors, institutions and their interactions in integration. This framework is applied to two Dutch place based processes: 1) National Programme for Rotterdam South (NPRZ) and 2) Area Deal Alblasserwaard Vijfheerenlanden. This application results in a refined, empirically informed and theoretically substantiated framework where the dimension of time appears of critical importance for realising place based integration. Key words: place based approach, place agency, integration, transdisciplinary, place based transformative capacityEnglishopenaccessPlace in place-based approaches: a framework for analysing integration, agency of place, actors and institutionsConference object1434-1459