All rights reservedÖzkan, SevimPelin Özçam, ZeynepŞenol, Fatma2023-11-142023-11-142017978-989-99801-3-6 (E-Book) of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017Deploying GIS at its analysis of multilayered spatial data about Izmir (the third biggest metropolitan city in Turkey), this paper aims at suggesting ways of providing bicycle routes and roads in the already developed built environment of the densely populated cities. Focusing on multiple characteristics of topography, land use and population, the study deploys overlay analysis and network analysis respectively at city level and district level. Despite of the limited number and characteristics of data available about Turkish cities, this study has been limited to the lack of crime data and travel demand data of related neighborhoods.EnglishopenAccessMulti-criteria decision analysis for promoting bikefriendly city vision of Izmir using GISconferenceObject2679-2685