All rights reservedSilva de Assis, Ana Paula2024-09-182024-09-182016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southThis article introduces three experiences of participatory games with the aim of developing critical thinking about social participation in the production of space. The street football played by the collective “Baixo Bahia Futebol Social”, a game of cards to a candomblé yard and a board game that equates the logic of private property in the collectivity of urban space will be taken as references. The proposition of these and other games as participatory tools aims to recover the emancipatory meaning of social participation at the prospect of politically produce the space of cities. From the institutional point of view, participation is called to play a corrective role in face of social inequalities, inasmuch as it presupposes a more democratic management of the city. However the argument to be developed under the light of Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau post-political theories is that the institutionalization of participation associated with the absence of an emancipatory political project becomes fragile to be captured by the hegemonic power, and consequently, fuel the reproduction of the same domination structures to which it opposes. The post-democratic theory identifies in the last decades a process of depoliticisation and erosion of democracy, and also the shrinking of the public sphere in face of the consensual arrangements that align the politics to the neoliberal interests. Rancière criticizes the status quo of politics and the instrumentalization of democratic discourse in consensual arrangements that tend to eliminate any form of antagonism and dissensus, which for him are the very politics. The dissensus will be taken as a counterpoint to consensual orientation of current participatory policies, with the aim of revealing the limits that the institutionalized participation imposes on the constitution of political subjects in the production of space processes.EnglishopenAccessGames as constituent participatory process in the political production of cities spacesconferenceObject1264-1266