All rights reservedBolhuis, Klaas JanBrajović, TamaraGendek, IzabelaMakhatay, VolhaMarchwicka, BarbaraMohacs, Katalin2024-08-162024-08-162010978-83-7493-570-8 of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformationANALYSIS The analysis of the this road serves to establish its potential. It encompasses street typology, cultural place typology, and residential typology. In design terms it included the notions of points, lines, grids and direction leading to infinity. STREET TYPOLOGY The street typology focuses on the distinction between a street, a lane and a boulevard. Streets could lead to infinity, but in reality they are closely related to the surrounding fabric which contributes to their profile. Their use as origins and destinations interrupts the flows through the streets. It distinguishes between pedestrian streets, pedestrian priority streets, public transport streets and boulevards. While purely pedestrianised streets constitute gathering points for people, pedestrian priority street facilitate movements on foot. Public transport streets are heterogeneous, providing access and forming shared spaces between mass transit movements and pedestrians moving alongside and crossing into the surrounding areas. Boulevards have a more cultural recreational character. Their wide pavements with trees, greenery and street furniture encourage informal activities, walking, lingering and stopping. PLACE MAKING The place typology responds to the question of what constitutes a real place rather than a placedesign. The group agreed with ‘Project for Public Spaces Inc’ that design remains an important component but not the only factor of creating a place, while generating access, active uses economic opportunities and programmes were often more important than design.EnglishopenAccessRing road (WZ) : Designing a liveable placeconferenceObject178-179