2023-01-182023-01-182012-07-10https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14235/111Welcome (KLN) Information about the Association and its procedures for the new CoRep members (IM) President's Report (KLN) Secretary's General Report (IM) Treasurer's Matters (ThM) Quality Policy: AESOP Experts Pool (MF) GPEAN Information (AF) Young Academics Network Report (ARNP) Presentation of the next Congresses: 2013 AESOP-ACSP Joint Congress University College Dublin 2014 AESOP Congress, University of Utrecht, University of Delft Presentation of the AESOP Events 2012-2013 (IM) Brief introduction for the new CoRep members about AESOP website (IM/GC) Report from closed office: Officer for TG and Eastern Schools (BB) Upcoming calls (IM) Requests from the Representatives (Moderated by KIN) Discussion (moderated by KLN) Conclusions (KIN) 2012 AESOP Silver Jubilee Congress Welcome ReceptionenCoRep meeting materialagenda2012AnkaraThematic groupsCoRep Meeting in Ankara, 10 July 2012Working Paper