All rights reservedSager, Tore2024-04-042024-04-042010978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, 2010 Space is Luxury, Aalto, July 7-10thCommunicative planning theory has recently been reproached for facilitating neo-liberal market practices to the disadvantage of broader social interests. The paper comments on this critique and clarifies what neo-liberalism demands from urban planning. Moreover, the paper surveys planning theorists‟ attempts to describe the connection between communicative planning theory and neo-liberalism. The critique of being at the service of neo-liberalism should be addressed in communicative planning theory by bringing procedural and substantive recommendations closer together. It must be made evident that what is required from the plan (the outcome) is grounded in substantive values that are closely associated with the values behind the process design. This is what the value approach sketched in the present paper is meant to do, and by insisting on consistency between the values of process and outcome it offers a way to address the charge that CPT facilitates the progress of neo-liberalist urban development.EnglishopenAccessCommunicative planning theoryNeo-liberalismValuesHow to Prevent Communicative Planners from Unwittingly Serving Neo-liberalism?conferenceObject22-41