2023-02-092023-02-092014-07-10https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14235/132On 10th of July, a brief meeting was held with the Thematic Group Coordinators that were available to attend. The coordinators of Planning & Complexity Thematic Group, Transportation Planning & Policy Thematic Group, Ethics Values & Planning Thematic Group, Resilience and Risks Mitigation Thematic Group, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures Thematic Group were present at the meeting. The following points were highlighted and discussed: 1. Guidelines for Thematic Groups and Annual Reports 2. Thematic Group Meetings Time Slots for Future Congresses 3. Thematic Groups and Congress Tracks 4. Visibility of Thematic Groups (Notes Ela Bablik-Sutcliffe) This item contains the following files: 1 . Report of meeting with Thematic Group Coordinators during the AESOP Congress in Utrecht 2014.pdf 2. Readme.rtfenTR coordinatiorsmeeting2014reportEla Babalik-SutcliffeReport of meeting with Thematic Group Coordinators during the AESOP Congress in Utrecht 2014Working Paper