CC-BYQian, ChenliHuang, YiWu, Xiao2024-12-132024-12-132024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024Zoning guidelines are technical methods commonly employed in various types of urban planning, including comprehensive urban design, landscape planning, regulatory detailed planning, and architectural features and styles planning. These guidelines aim to protect and define urban character, controlling spatial forms in specific districts. Often, when different zoning types are compiled without clear distinctions, redundancy and contradictions can arise, leading to inefficient management. This article, in conjunction with relevant zoning guideline examples, distinguishes between the zoning guidelines corresponding to the four types of planning by comparing their coverage, control objectives, content, and methods. It defines the roles, functions, and interrelationships of these guidelines at different scales. This approach aims to systematically control urban landscapes through a layered and cumulative process, effectively addressing different levels. Keywords: Zoning guidelines, comprehensive urban design, landscape planning, regulatory detailed planning, architectural features and styles planningEnglishopenAccessA Comparative Study on Zoning Guidelines for Different Planning Types in ChinaconferenceObject400-410