CC BY 4.0Dinç, SerimTürkay, ZeynepTezer, Azime2024-01-222024-01-222023978-908-28191-9-9 of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023Agri-food systems (AgrFS) has come to the agenda of spatial planning with the concerns of sustainability and resilience. One of the tools used to change cities/regions into self-sufficient settlements by developing local food systems is “The Foodshed Assessment (FsA)”. However, based on the neglect of ecological values in determining the foodshed boundaries, the “Ecosystem Services” (ESs) approach is proposed to fill this gap. Accordingly, it’s aimed to develop an assessment tool that will guide the handling of local AgrFS within spatial planning by integrating foodsheds with ESs approach. This study consists of four steps: (1) Conceptual approach based on secondary source literature research related to the “local AgrFS” and “foodshed”. (2) Definition of the FsA based on predicted ESs indicators for decision-making on local AgrFS. (3) Evaluation of existing national/regional/local-scale spatial planning tools affecting Istanbul, with a focus on foodsheds and ESs. (4) Cross-scale discussion of the integration of the FsA into the Istanbul planning system. This research will contribute to local AgrFS as a priority area in spatial decision making. The opportunities include creating win-win relationships between ESs achieving food resilience, food security, and regional/social/environmental resilience at different scales. Keyword: Agri-food system (AgrFS), Foodshed, Ecosystem services (ESs), Spatial planning tools, IstanbulEnglishopenaccessIntegration of local agri-food systems in spatial planning: foodshed assessment through ecosystem servicesConference object726-750