All rights reservedBarranco, RicardoEgyud, RekaMaeiyat, MohammadMurseli, RizahSwistun, DeborahTriantis, Loukas2024-08-212024-08-212010978-83-7493-570-8 of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformationThe area is located in Wrocław’s historic city centre, close to the central market, in the most touristic part of the city near the Odra river. Replacing second world war destruction the area was regenerated mainly with blocks of flats and public open spaces following the principles of modern urban planning and architecture. Not well connected with its adjacent historic core, the main city market, commercial activities and educationalcultural buildings on the river bank, it has valuable permeable internal spaces between buildings. We have identified several problems which impede the material value of the area and needs redressing. The immaterial value is represented by the modernist style of the housing blocks, their layout and the associated open spaces, together with historic events still present in the collective memory. Interaction with local inhabitants informed our SWOT analysis.EnglishopenAccessCity centre regeneration : Оld town eastconferenceObject38-39