All rights reservedWenner, FabianThierstein, Alain2024-09-042024-09-042016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southHow important is a good public transport connection for inhabitants when they decide on a location to live or work? How are locational characteristics valued by people? What does the aggregate of individual choices on these issues tell us about the existing and aspired quality of the provision of public services and amenities, as well as spatial economic structure? Good knowledge about the inherent sets of preferences regarding locational qualities in different regional, temporal and societal contexts is crucial for successful urban development and planning, especially as far as transport is concerned. In this research paper, I will employ a revealed preference approach with hedonic regression modelling to estimate the importance of locational characteristics such as proximity to public transport to individuals in the Munich Metropolitan Region (MMR), Germany, using a sample of more than 7,000 people who responded to a web-survey regarding their residential and workplace location choices in late 2014 and early 2015. In the survey, people who moved or changed their workplace to or within the MMR in the last three years were asked about their previous and current residential as well as workplace location, in addition to alternative residential locations their considered during their search for a new apartment. Critically, for all locations, we also asked about the rental or purchase price of the object as well as household income and commuting costs.EnglishopenAccessThe use of space as decision-making process. Valuation of mobility, residential, and workplace choices in the Munich Metropolitan RegionconferenceObject1440-1445