All rights reservedRibeiro, José Duarte2024-08-232024-08-232016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southNemea (Greece) and Basto (Portugal) are two high quality wines regions under the protection of labels of origin that have commonly the format of Geographical Indications (GIs). Recent discussions have emerged on the re-construction of local/traditional knowledge and thus on the re-construction of both regions terroir’s. Therefore, those discussions arose challenges to rural development of the regions between the preservation of localness (implicit on the protection by labels of origin) and the threats of de-territorialization. Between the knowledge and power negotiation dynamics of all involved actors (from winemakers to farmers, local authorities and other stakeholders like local cooperatives) there is a need to question if the current rural development strategies based on local food production qualification schemes (under GI’s) are being implemented towards the extended development of the region, its local community and therefore to the fully protection of wine terroir1 on a broader sense than only origin and quality.EnglishopenAccessTerroir ‘tale of two glasses’: localness vs. de-territorialization in Nemea and Basto wine regionsconferenceObject1634-1639