All rights reservedSnellen, DanielleHamers, DavidTennekes, Joost2024-01-122024-01-122015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015Improving the coherence between urban and transport planning is an often policy makers and planners. Coherent planning provides more and better choice participation and travel (better accessibility) and allows for more spending. However, this paper shows that improving coherence is far from straightforward an empirical analysis of recent developments in both housing and employment patterns in the Netherlands, and taking an institutional (policy-oriented to analysing the current Dutch (national, regional and local) urban and policies, the paper shows how financial arrangements, (formal) regulations habits prevent better co-operation. After analysing the most relevant obstacles in the Dutch policy and planning strategies for improving the coherence between urban and transport planning and elaborated: increasing proximity; transit oriented development (TOD) chains and smooth transfers. These strategies can be implemented in the they can be valuable for urban and infrastructure policies abroad as well.EnglishopenAccessImproving coherence between urban and transport planning in the Netherlands: towards improved accessibilityconferenceObject1933-1945