Silvia Serreli2023-07-062023-07-062019978-88-99243-93-7 paper reflects on the awareness that climate adaptation planning becomes more effective when it is dealt with a local context. This approach focuses on the relationship between vulnerability, adaptation and urban regeneration processes in territories of a low and high density. It refers to new balances of the urban ecosystem in the two case studies. The experiences highlight fields of experimentation of new forms of the urban project that take into account the peculiarities of each territory. Some urban areas are experimenting new ways of cooperation between public and private stakeholders which, although belonging to two different situations of low and high settlement density, are dealing with the issue of resilience and adaptation in both fields urban planning and architecture. The experiences of these different contexts, spread urban forms in Sardinia and high settlement density in the city of Tunis, reflect on how to rethink the structure of the city through adaptive urban strategies such as the design dispositive of "Structure Territory". This planning approach aims to promote the adoption of new design solutions that satisfy the contemporary needs of inhabitants and, at the same time, are oriented towards the nature-based solutions.enStructure-TerritoryClimate adaptationVulnerabilityUrban regenerationPlanning and architecture for climate adaptation: the experiences of the "structure-territories" in low and high density cityArticle1924-1940