All rights reservedElisei, PietroCînța, Wendy LauraCocheci, Radu-Matei2024-03-072024-03-072015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015Fragmented, inefficient institutional arrangements, layered on top of the weak reliability of statistical information across both the developed and developing world, and the subsequent low degree of awareness concerning the management of public property / public land rule out the effectiveness of traditional planning instruments. To what extent may a Planning System incorporate geo-ICT (geographic Information Communication Technology) services to the mutual benefit of the planning profession, communities and policy-makers in their attempt to optimize the development processes? An open and responsive government seems more likely to encourage an aggregated view of new planning models rather than obstructing them, subsequently propelling effective public service delivery. The contemporary ICT era triggers the need for master planning as a dynamic collaborative process / output, allowing on the integration of end-user requirements through means of a crowdsourced inflow of data, having thus modelled the pre-existing regulatory planning framework. Through this paper, we aim to define a possible framework for connecting ICT models with normative and strategic planning processes at local level, starting from a comparison between different EU planning systems and how geo-data can be used in both facilitating the implementation of planning regulations and building local governance capacity. Addressing the challenges and inconsistencies of spatial planning norms in relation to the real-time developments / evolutionary trends, by mapping the gaps between different planning levels, may pave the way for geo-ICT services as innovative binder between the co-dependencies generated at various planning scales.EnglishopenAccessPlanning SystemsDigital Spatial PlansCity-ServicesGeo-ICT services in spatial planning: defining a contextual framework for operationalising public land policyconferenceObject2243-2257