CC-BYCalmeiro, Margarida Relvão2024-12-122024-12-122024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024This paper title provokes us and brings us back to the New Athens Charter published in 2003 by the European Council of Town Planners1. The aim is to discuss the city's planning based on the urban features we have inherited from the past, with the understanding of history in its evolutionary form and the city as an open-ended process in continuous construction. It's not about preserving, but adapting, reusing and creating again, reinforcing urban resilience and the identity of each place. Today's needs and the crises we face - climate change, the housing crisis and migration - call for a transformation of the city and behaviour so that cities become sustainable, healthy habitats that guarantee quality of life for all. Keywords: reuse, heritage, sustainabilityEnglishopenAccessThe city of tomorrow is already with usconferenceObject1323-1333