CC-BYParkatti, Jarre2024-11-272024-11-272024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024Today’s planning theory is largely procedural and remains abstract in urban design terms even when formally content-oriented, as when treating the just city. The theory reflects Anglo-Saxon weak planning conditions. While this explains the felt need to reinvent the role of planning and its theory, it threatens to break planning theory’s tie to town planning. Especially, it becomes inadequate for comprehending the workings of architect-led, still powerful and proactive planning organisations. Such exist even where academics contribute to mainstream theory, producing a gap in the understanding of real-world planning among students, practitioners and non-practising researchers. My purpose is to help reintroduce an urban design focus into planning theory, integrating the latter’s social scientific interests with an understanding of the social significance of urban design traits. Key words: planning theory, public space, urban designEnglishopenAccessReconnecting Planning Theory with Urban Design: Public Space as a Social and Architectural ConcernconferenceObject2416-2429