All rights reservedEsposito, AngelaPiccolo, Giustino Emilio2024-03-072024-03-072015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015In the face of the social technological revolution the sharing of information has led cities evolving towards always more complex systems. Social media have indeed a strong capacity of connecting people, and several urban self-organized initiatives have been emerging from virtual communities impacting on urban activities organisation. By enhancing communication opportunities, social media could be taken into account to improve urban planning decision making processes, and so they can also play a significant role in flood risk management. In dealing with urban flooding it is important to know how quickly and efficiently a city can recover from a flood event. Before the event, social media can help increasing awareness by enabling wider risk communication. During and after the calamity, creating easily accessible information sharing platforms, social media are able to increase the disaster recovery capacity of the affected urban system, as a sort of social recovery rate. Many sets of indicators have been proposed in the literature analysing the social perspective of flood vulnerability and urban resilience. Nevertheless, in these it is not easy to include the impact of using social media coping with floods. In June 2013 during the flood of the river Elbe, citizens of Dresden (Germany) created a spontaneous Facebook network to require offer aids and assistance. Building on the experience, we propose a methodological approach aiming at evaluating how the use of social media can affect social flood resilience, and in this way assessing the effectively social function of the media.EnglishopenAccessResilienceSocial MediaUrban FloodFlood recovery in the social media assessment of social network information in building social flood resilienceconferenceObject2258-2270