All rights reservedCotella, GiancarloCasavola, Donato2024-11-122024-11-122024Giancarlo Cotella & Donato Casavola (2024) AESOP Section, disP - The Planning Review, 60:2, 66-70, DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2024.24241100251-36252166-860410.1080/02513625.2024.2424110 - The Planning Review, 60:2, 66-70The years of the Covid-19 pandemic have been tough for the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and its community. The main catalyst of AESOP connectivity – its an- nual congress – was cancelled in 2020 and held remotely in 2021, depriving our members of the much-needed face-to-face interactions that have always contributed to the Association’s ad- vancement and growth. Now, after a slow restart in 2022 and 2023, when people hesitantly attempted to go back to normal, we can now officially say that AESOP and its activities are back on track. The larg- est event in the history of the Association took place in Paris in July, hosting over 1200 dele- gates from 55 different countries. In the wake of this great success, it may be worth summaris- ing the multiple activities of AESOP for inter- ested disP readers, in the hope that more peo- ple will attend and benefit from AESOP events in the future.enopenAccessAESOP activities are back on track after the pandemicArticle66-70