All rights reservedScheurer, JanTownsen, CraigCurtis, Cdarey2024-01-122024-01-122015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015Vancouver, Canada s third largest city, has often been held up as a best-pra transport and land use planning in a New World context. Accordingly, in the a Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) tool to Australasia and North America, Vancouver scored top results on the majority of public transit. But how does a successful big-picture outcome translate int relate to historic factors that predate Vancouver s focus on sustainability- during the past quarter century? This paper will contrast the SNAMUTS result wi measuring public transit accessibility based on a time line spanning three dec history and the assessment of recent spatial priorities in land use and transp that despite high recent growth and intensification rates, much of Vancouver oriented urban form can be traced back to the city s light rail and streetcar 20th century, and that the spatial correlation of public transit service intensification over the past 30 years has been anything but consistent. We assessing the contributions of both methodologies towards a comprehensive repres accessibility in Vancouver, and will evaluate the magnitude of the shortfalls policy and practice across other cities in the SNAMUTS sample across the New Work.EnglishopenAccessVancouver, the transit-oriented city? The correspondence (or not) of public tran accessibility and urban intensification through the lens of accessibility toolsconferenceObject