All rights reservedChen, JinqingHan, JingQu, TingtingShan, Feng2023-12-062023-12-062015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015This paper builds a database of urban governance affairs through making textual analysis of all microblogs published in June and December 2014 by Shanghai Municipal Government official microblog account "Shanghai City". The public concern on urban governance affairs is reflected by netizens’ attitude to Shanghai City’s updates, and measured by the volume forwards. By this means the public concerns on urban affairs are known, which provides important decision-making basis for better listening to public’s will and responding to their needs when the government allocates resources and sets priorities. The result shows that: (1) in content, the public concerns are mainly focus on leisure activities and traffic condition, then daily life information. Governance and policy matters are rarely concerned; (2) in attributes, people are highly concerned about the forthcoming events, rumor refuting and life services, but pay little attention to policy news except for housing, entrance test, holiday and car license auction related policies; (3) in specific affairs of most concern are entrance exams, leisure activities, health and hygiene, weather variations, city images, films and TV programs, food, traffic, car license auction, sports and holiday etc.EnglishopenAccessPublic concerns on shanghai urban governance affairs: an analysis based on government microblog dataconferenceObject403-416