All rights reservedRestemeyer, BrittaMotta Zanin, GiuliaKötterheinrich, MarieChan Lok Hei, Patricia2024-04-082024-04-082016978-83-7493-948-5 on water : 6th AESOP European Urban Summer School 2015, BremenThe concept “ReconnACT Blumenthal to the water” is made for a particular area in the north of Bremen, Blumenthal, which is currently in a transition phase from an industrial to a post- industrial urban district. In line with the general theme of the summer school, “City on Water”, making connections between the water and the city is central to this concept. Blumenthal’s proximity to the river ‘Weser’ is considered as a main chance. However, Blumenthal is not an area where usual waterfront developments, i.e. creating space for retail and rather luxury housing as can be seen in Hamburg, Barcelona, London and elsewhere, would work. Given the magnitude of social problems in Blumenthal, we aimed at creating a socially acceptable waterfront. Our concept therefore does not only stress physical connections with the water, but also social connections, which may pave the ground for revitalization and social integration in the future.enopenAccessReconnACT Blumenthal to the waterconferenceObject53-57