CC-BYSuri, Shipra NarangFinka, Maroš2025-01-162025-01-162017 is the 11th event in the Lecture Series by well-known planners, policy-makers and other ‘urban thinkers’, which is being organised by AESOP, previously in cooperation with IFHP in the framework of respectively the Silver Jubilee (2012) and Centenary (2013) and in 2014 continued in cooperation with European Regional Science Association (ERSA). Since 2016 Lecture Series remains one of the AESOP flagship projects. The lecturers have been asked to present their ideas on ‘new vision’ for planning and territorial development. The lectures will be rounded off with a discussion with the audience. Dr. Shipra Narang Suri, Vice-President of the General Assembly of Partners, a platform established to bring stakeholder voices to Habitat III and in the drafting of the New Urban Agenda, will lecture about Habitat III process and Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All. Professor Maroš Finka, one of leading academics in CEE countries in the field of spatial planning, member of German Academy for Spatial Research and Planning and advisor to the Slovak government, involved also in the Habitat III process as an expert will elaborate -in the context of the EU and UN Urban Agenda(s)- the topic of polycentric development as the basis for equal access to quality of life, which was an important issue during Slovak Presidency of the UE.enopenAccess11. New Urban Agenda: global perspective and local interpretationVideo