CC BY 4.0Çepni, Hilal2024-01-212024-01-212023978-908-28191-9-9 of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023This study aimed to investigate the question, 'Can the spatial strategy plan be a tool for ensuring accessibility?' In the first stage of the study, six general objectives were determined for the Istanbul Metropolis. In the second main stage of the study, 17 needs were identified by discussing which facilities were necessary to ensure accessibility. Using the collective structure of the spatial strategy plan, special professional fields and institutions related to these topics were identified. A 'Relational Wheel' was devised to illustrate the relationships between access needs, the fields of study these needs are the subject of, the institutions that should work on these issues, the analysis methods they will use, the outcomes they might obtain when they complete their work, and the relationship of these outcomes to the initial objectives. Keywords: Strategic Spatial Planning, Accessibility, Walkability, Sustainability, Multiplier effectEnglishopenaccessSpatial strategy plan as a methodological approach in ensuring accessibility: the case of IstanbulConference object331-355