CC-BYSong, ZhehaoLi, JinzeCai, ChenyiSong, YachengJin, YidanTang, Peng2024-11-272024-11-272024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024Residential historic areas in China are crucial for urban fabric and cultural heritage. Given the complexity and dynamic nature of these areas, the conservation and renewal efforts demand precise spatial interpretation and effective methodological approaches. Under the hierarchical framework of typo-morphology, the network structure in discrete geometry is used to recognise the spatial pattern. Then a digital model is constructed, which calculates quantitative morphological indicators and clusters elements. This model enables real-time adjustments and feedback of the morphology and has been packaged as a software application. This study advances the scientific rigour and efficiency of the planning process and promotes it from ‘the prediction based on human experience’ to ‘the precise evaluation based on data analysis’. Keywords: Residential Historic Areas; Urban morphology; Network Structures; Digital analysis; Planning strategiesEnglishopenAccessDigital Modelling and Analysis of the Network Structure for Residential Historic Areas in ChinaconferenceObject2766-2782