All rights reservedGhidini, RobertoPeatonal, Sociedad2023-09-192023-09-192017978-989-99801-3-6 (E-Book) of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017The article demonstrates the challenges faced by a Collective when it claimed back a communal space - with a strong social and cultural salience, high environmental interest, which had previously been protected -but was 'escaping' via financial and capital pressure. This had been occurred in Curitiba, a city which call itself 'socially and ecologically just” The space in question is the Gomm Park, comprised by Casa Gomm (1913) -a unique house, built in Massachusetts style -and its bosk, both listed as Parana’s Cultural Heritage. This paper will provide remarkable records, from press articles and interviews , to fragments of social media posts from 'Salvemos o Bosque da Casa Gomm' (Help The Gomm's House Bosk) -the group who decided to fight for the communal heritage and the immaterial resource the “space” now represents. The relationship between people and power, when this is a part from those, it’s the so called democracy. The Greeks, in Agora, met and decided, with one vote each, all the subjects in the current agenda. Time took its toll and weakened this dynamic, but its essence lasts in all current democracies, either direct or indirect, which are sometimes consensus others subjected to maneuver of power, depending whether people’s influence in decision making is high or low. On evolved democratic societies we are faced with people’s participation and transparency templates, which aim to provide better life quality with consensus use of public resources, and as consequence, increase social and justice equality.EnglishopenAccessGomm park. inefficient management (due to) and capital pressure, softened by the community and collective creativityconferenceObject728-737