Baxter, Jamie-Scott2023-06-082023-06-082019 following article presents an adapted theoretical and methodological framework used to rethink and analyse social innovation at work in socio-spatial transformation. The framework is operationalised through a novel teaching/learning/action/research programme that supported local and collaborative spatial planning with/in a disadvantaged rural region in the United Kingdom. A diffractive reading of Gabriel Tarde with Karen Barad leads to the dimension of ‘spatial spread’ within the concept of social innovation being reconfigured through the posthuman turn, providing a novel apparatus for collaborative transformation through experiment and situated learning. Through this apparatus, which draws on advances in critical cultural theory, in particular Barad’s ‘Performative Posthumanism' the paper reveals how material–discursive practices are agential in the reconfiguration of boundaries and the distribution of agency, calling into question ‘stubborn dualities’ as in this case, the teacher-researcher, activist-professional, local-nonlocal and human-nonhuman.enSocial InnovationSituated LearningCollective AgencySpatial Planning with More-than-humansReconfiguring Teaching/Learning/Action/Research: Apparatus for Socio- Spatial Transformation with/in Disadvantaged Rural RegionsArticle661-678