All rights reservedChen, WenFeng, Jia2024-01-102024-01-102015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015City integration derived from the regional integration, urban agglomeration, has become a new regional phenomenon in China.This phenomenon has attracted wide attention. The paper examines the case of city integrate development between Jiuquan –Jiayuguan neighboring cities based on two spatial scales. Firstly,at the neighboring cities level,the paper studies the influence extent of facilities, complementarity extent of industries development and efficiency extent of institution system construction. Secondly, at city linkages level, The authors study Changs in Intercity transport links and Changs in Intercity residents' daily behavior.Next,the paper analyzes the problems of city integration development and its influencing factors.On the basis of the above discussions, the paper believe that Jiu-Jia should build high-efficient cooperation mechanism, "complementary development"of land use function, "convenient" Intercity travel supply and jointly build complementary industry types and these four aspects help better promote the healthy development of the city integration in Jiu-Jia.EnglishopenAccessThe Integration Development and Territorial Cohesion of Neighboring Cities : the Case Study of Jiuquan-Jiayuguan in ChinaconferenceObject1633-1645