All rights reservedMironowicz, IzabelaRyser, Judith2024-08-212024-08-212010978-83-7493-570-8 of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformationUrbanisation is a global process, yet it has left a particular legacy in European cities which constituted the content of the 2010 UN-Habitat European Urban Summer School. Young professionals and tutors with diverse backgrounds congregated from all over Europe and beyond in a central European city to gain a better understanding of urban change. Reconciling heritage with development was the challenge to achieve a more sustainable urban future. ‘Sustainability’ was conceived here as a balance between historic legacy, regeneration and citywide urban transformation. Wrocław, the host city generously provided the empirical setting to test these assumptions, to verify their validity through international comparisons, and to offer young professionals the opportunity to elaborate interventiEnglishopenAccessConcepts and issues of the european urban summer school in WrocławconferenceObject18-19