All rights reservedBarranco, RicardoEgyud, RekaMaeiyat, MohammadMurseli, RizahSwistun, DeborahTriantis, Loukas2024-08-162024-08-162010978-83-7493-570-8 of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformationVISION The inner ring road Kazimirza Wielkiego is curtailing people’s mobility and disrupting communication and exchange between the affected adjacent areas. It needs to be given a public space profile. All the intersecting roads can work as bridges between commercial, cultural, recreational and residential areas on either side, connecting to, and reinforcing the grid which constitutes Wrocław’s fabric. The main focus is on walking mobility, turning Kazimirza Wielkiego street into a pleasant public space, with activities happening alongside to favour human presence on it. The desired vision aims to unify what has been divided till now. It is important to bring together the diverse areas which form the city centre, so that all their distinct functions can be fully expressed and interact with each other, converting the city centre into a kind of ‘organic being’ capable of adapting itself to people’s wills and daily needs. TRANSFORMATION PLAN Our vision can be expressed in the physical realm through the following measures: • creating connections between important spaces, • eliminating cross traffic, allowing only endtraffic, • reducing traffic (2x1 lane), • keeping the tram lines (optimise the current line system, and following distance), • accommodating bicycle lanes, • designing more pedestrian friendly streets, • renovating facades, • incentives for development of additional activities at the ground level to attract people, • recuperating the existing actual water channel as an alternative aquatic transportation mode.EnglishopenAccessRing road (WZ) : from busy road to sustainable boulevardconferenceObject176-177