CC-BYPisano, ChiaraLimongi, Giada2024-12-132024-12-132024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024The contribution focuses on the role of culture in regeneration practices in inner peripheries. The few culture- based strategies promoted so far in these areas often consist of territorial marketing operations tailored to urban tourism, which risk of trivialising and flattening local culture and identities. Instead, the promotion of a contemporary cultural production, albeit based on local heritage, memories, traditions and identities could strengthen the ongoing socio-economic development strategies and offer alternatives to the prevailing urban cultural model. The critical review of best practices, selected from Italian and European networks that bring together culture-led regeneration practices, allows to explore whether and how current practices in inner peripheries are contributing to generate new "cultural models", tailored to the peculiarities of these areas and alternative to the urban ones.EnglishopenAccessWhat practices to overcome the "cultural remoteness" of inner peripheries? A focus on Italian case studiesconferenceObject186-202