All rights reservedPozzi Castro, Carolina MariaBalestrini, Milton2024-10-092024-10-092016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southStarting from 1986, when the Housing National Bank (BNH) was extinguished, the government has failed to draw up a comprehensive housing policy. During the next 17 years, several federal departments and offices had been in charge of isolated aspects concerning social housing, however, without the existence of a policy or a centralized coordination. Only since 2003, with the creation of the Ministry of Cities and the approval of the National Housing Policy in 2004 by the Council of Cities, the Brazilian government has taken actions for addressing the housing deficit on a national scale. This change is a landmark in the housing assistance approach, as to consider it inextricably and necessarily integrated into the planning and urban management, infrastructure and urban mobility, in addition to land issues and resource allocation in order to ensure the rights to housing and to the city. This understanding has guided for developing the National Housing Plan - PLANHAB, between 2007 and 2009, The PlanHab was designed with broad popular participation, taking into account the solution for the accumulated housing deficit and demographic growth in a 15 years horizon. The deep regional differences in Brazil has been considered, as well as land issues, included its speculative aspect, in order to ensure integrated housing production to urban dynamic, sustainable and inclusive actions, with popular involvement.EnglishopenAccessUrban regulations and the capitalist production of housing in the 2000’s: the master plan, the construction regulations and the social housing “Minha Casa Minha Vida” programme case in the town of Araraquara, BrazilconferenceObject1006-1011