All rights reservedFraga, Valderez FerreiraPinto, Ana Paula Gomes M.2023-11-172023-11-172017978-989-99801-3-6 (E-Book) of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017The city of Petrópolis, situated in the serrana region of Rio de Janeiro State, is no exception to the rule when it comes to the population growth observed in most cities, and mainly in Brazil, where the urbanization rate today has reached around 80%. The phenomenon of urban growth is set against an absence of improvements in infrastructure that is detrimental to the quality of life of the citizens. Moreover, this has not even been the object of public policies aimed at avoiding the negative impacts on natural resources. On the contrary, these are becoming scarce due to the disorderly nature of the urban expansion on the periphery (Baptista and Calijuri, 2007). This phenomenon is also present in the city of Amadora, situated in the large metropolitan area of Lisbon. It is the fourth most populated city in Portugal. In the 60s, Amadora changed from being an industrial and residential suburb to a suburban city. As a consequence, the population flow and its concentration in the territory of Amadora – as well as in the surrounding area – have led to high pressure on urban space, the public services, and, of course, the organizations and institutions in charge of administering them. This condition configures a crisis of urban growth (Nunes, 2012). Although the cities present specificities in their formation and urban layout, the cultures coexist and feel the same socio-environmental impacts attributed to urban densification, aggravated by climate change, which, as a consequence, generate natural catastrophes. In their search for solutions and alternatives, we have adhered to the U.N. international campaign, Constructing Resilient Cities 2010-2015, which addresses issues of local governance and proposes development of assets of good practices that would make all communities more resilient after facing disaster situations.EnglishopenAccessStrengthening the culture of resilience in urban space vulnerable to recurrent unfavourable climatic phenomena – experience exchange aimed at solutionsconferenceObject3102-3111