All rights reservedBotero, LisaKurth, DetlefSauter, Anna2024-10-032024-10-032016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southClimate change mitigation strategies for energy efficient cities pose a significant challenge to urban planning as a comprehensive discipline (Barker 2007; Eicker 2012, Umweltbundesamt 2012). To implement mitigation strategies, the state institutions, inclusive of Higher Education Institutions, have a special responsibility to act as a blueprint for communities. Universities in particular should not only carry out research on climate change, but also implement their research on their own university campus in the areas of energy efficient buildings, renewable energy, climate change as a topic in teaching and interdisciplinary projects, and the integration of sustainable operations and management. Such a ‘Living Lab’ can be a model for a comprehensive transformation process toward a carbon neutral city. (Schneidewind 2014) In 2014, the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany announced its plan for so-called “Reallabore” (Living Labs) for universities to implement their research on climate change under the real conditions of municipalities (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst 2015). The University of Applied Sciences started the Living Lab Campus Project in 2015 to create and implement a carbon neutral university. Founded in 1832 in Stuttgart’s inner city, the university campus is located only a few minutes’ walk to the main station, city centre, hospitals and libraries.EnglishopenAccessLiving lab “Climate Neutral Campus Stuttgart” – transdisciplinary research for a carbon neutral inner city campusconferenceObject1100-1104