All rights reserved2024-05-302024-05-302011978-1530185207 of Space – Quality of Life : Planning for Urban Needs of diverse timeframes. 2nd AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011, LisbonUrban Planner (PhD., Master Degree and 5 years degree on Urbanism) Head of Urban Planning Department on Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa Portugal since 2006. Researcher at TERCUD – Centro de Estudos Território, Cultura e Desenvolvimento (FCT ID 462); President of APROURB – Professional Urbanists Portuguese Association; Manager at GEOIDEIA – Territorial Planning Studies. His research fields are urban quality and quality of life, urban rehabilitation and the teaching of planning. As researcher stand out the participation on LUDA – Improving quality of life on Large Urban Distressed Areas (EU FP5) and on TECHNOLANGUE (INTERREG B MEDOC/MEDA) on the Indicators field. His activity on APROURB stands out in the awareness on the need of regulamentation for professional access supported on academic qualification on urban planning/design. (Head of EUSS 2011).enopenAccessDiogo Mateus (PT) : Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e TecnologiasconferenceObject211