All rights reservedHakbart, BartoszKlemendi, NaimLahutsenak, DaryaNogalski, SzymonRossato, ChiaraSerrenho, Tiago2024-08-162024-08-162010978-83-7493-570-8 of proceedings: Urban change : The prospect of transformationFROM ROAD TO STREET We make a conceptual distinction between a road and a street. A street is something more than a road. The street is a paved public way with adjoining buildings in an urban context, where people may freely assemble, interact and move about. We are focusing on the current mono-functional character of the road, which serves commuters and local inhabitants. The road should become a street, and its multifunctional aspect should be reinforced to open it to additional categories of users and activities. ANALYSIS We assume that existing traffic on the WZ road will decrease thanks to the building of the DSR ring road and that car technology will reduce noise and air pollution. DIFFERENT AGENTS, DIFFERENT SCALES We assessed this place from the perspective of different stakeholders with diverging interests. For the local authorities this place is potentially very valuable due to its central location, but it is actually a hurdle with negatively impacts on the city’s image as a meeting place. For car users its value is ambivalent, as it is a very convenient shortcut with wide lanes, but with a congestion problem. For bicycle users, it is a good connection through the city, but currently difficult to use, due to heavy traffic and limited number of crossings. For pedestrians, the place is potentially valuable as a connection with the city centre and a place of distinctive heritage character, but it is currently impracticable due to air and noise pollution. For its inhabitants, the area has similar advantages as for pedestrians, but they are more likely to feel the actual drawbacks. Tram users should perceive the place positively due to its good connections and accessibility. For economic agents, this place might bring opportunities, but at present the lack of pedestrian traffic makes it unattractive.EnglishopenAccessRing road (WZ) : Road vs streetconferenceObject174-175