All rights reserved2024-05-302024-05-302011978-1530185207 of Space – Quality of Life : Planning for Urban Needs of diverse timeframes. 2nd AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011, LisbonAESOP Vice-Secretary General. Qualified in architecture from Worclaw University of Technology obtained post-graduate diploma in urban design and spatial planning. Her PhD thesis discussing spatial patterns of business services was awarded the prize of the Minister of Urban and Regional Development of the Republic of Poland. Her research interests focus on urban development and urban transformations. is deeply involved in international cooperation in teaching planning. She run big international planning workshops as a Head Coordinator. Her activities within AESOP focus on core curricula and education-practice relationships. She contributed UN-Habitat ‘ Global Report on Human Settlements 2009. During 24th AESOP Congress in Helsinki Izabela was elected as new AESOP Secretary General.enopenAccessIzabela Mironowicz : Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)conferenceObject215