Nautiyal, Nidhi2023-07-072023-07-072019978-88-99243-93-7 housing is a key issue in major urban centers of New Zealand with homeownership rates declining particularly in Auckland. Lack of tenure options is creating gaps in the housing continuum. This paper discusses a people-centered approach that addresses affordability by placing users at the center of housing decisions. An Intergenerational Community Development model or ICD is a specific term coined in this research that redefines affordability as per buyers’ financial capacity. ICD comprises three essential components. The organizational component of cross-sector collaboration ensures optimum utilization of resources, risk minimization through shared responsibilities and funds through ingenious solutions like cross-subsidization. The financial component offers alternative procurement models (APM) as income-compatible tenures for households. The physical element offers a variety of architecturally-designed multifamily typologies. A multi-case methodology qualitatively examines 16 UK and US ICDs. The findings reveal ICDs can provide effective affordable housing alternatives if well-executed by the consortium. Also, architects effectively contribute through high-quality sustainable design and a tenure-blind strategy to address affordability. In conclusion, a strong collaboration with clear agendas, robust understanding of APMs and early engagement with architects are essential for ICDs’ success. The key, however, lies in user engagement and community consultation during early decision-making processes.enAffordable housingCollaborative housing modelsAlternative procurement modelsPeople-centered approach to housing.ICD - An Alternative Affordable Housing InitiativeArticle2180-2195