CC BY 4.0Yang, SeongjunKim, Donghyun2024-01-222024-01-222023978-908-28191-9-9 of proceedings: 35th AESOP Annual Congress Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Łódź, 11-15th July, 2023The impact of socio-natural disasters and the process of coping with them vary across regions, primarily due to disparities in their socio-economic structures. This study aims to develop a regional economic resilience model capable of capturing the impact of different socio-natural disasters and the adaptive capacity of regional economies. We analyse regional economic resilience through two complementary dimensions: local residents and local firms. We employ both indicator-based static frameworks and sequence-based dynamic frameworks. By examining the cases of the 2007 financial crisis and the 2018 heat wave, we find that metropolitan cities and provinces in Korea share common characteristics of low resistance to shocks but exhibit rapid rebound. However, the level of adaptive resilience in the short and long term varies across regions. This study contribute to the policy-making process by providing an easily applicable economic resilience model that incorporates considerations of local adaptive resilience. Keywords: Regional Economic Resilience, Socio-natural Shock, Resilience Framework, Regional PlanningEnglishopenaccessReframing regional economic resilience for cooperative regionConference object668-697