CC-BYKolouchova, Ludmila2024-11-272024-11-272024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024An increasing number of cities of the global South are introducing the creative city policy and pledging to adopt creativity as their main developmental focus to improve the living conditions of their population. Although European cities have long used this policy (Scott, 2014), many have been unsuccessful (Rius-Ulldemolins, Hernà ndez I Martà and Torres, 2016). Since developing countries of the Global South are participating in such international models, more research is needed to address a gap in the knowledge on the North-South policy mobility and the urban planning effects of creative city policy in the Global South. This study presents a theoretical framework of creative cities focusing on the urban development of cities in developing countries by rehabilitating cultural creativity, diversity, and social inclusion. The research may provide a valuable knowledge base for international exchange of experience in the planning field. Keywords: creative city policy, policy mobility, global South, urban planningEnglishopenAccessFrom Global North to Global South: Exploring Creative City Policy Mobilities and Their Urban ImpactsconferenceObject2539-2554