All rights reservedOliveira, FabianaCosta, AldenilsonKraus, LalitaEgler, Tamara2024-09-102024-09-102016978-85-7785-551-1 of the IV World Planning Schools Congress, July 3-8th, 2016 : Global crisis, planning and challenges to spatial justice in the north and in the southThe text of the proposal arises from concerns on the possibilities offered by new information and communication technologies (NTIC`s), which allow to increase the capacity of citizens to understand and participate in society. Creating alternatives for a better dynamic in the work in the classroom. Understanding the profile of these new students, born in the digital age, called digital natives (Palfrey & Gasser, 2011) that dominate the NTIC's with ease at the same time, they have increasing difficulty interpreting everyday situations. The NTIC`s (computers, smartphones added to web) enables the creation of a structured public space on low power relations up, which allows us to think in derivative processes of emergence of inter-subjectivity, in turn, has as a point of starting a form of collective thinking that points to social transformation. It is, to replace enforcement action by another that originates in the intelligence of all actors involved in the process and can contribute to the formation of a collective intelligence. You can see some tensions regarding the use of technologies that arise and changes that occur in the teaching / learning process. There is a change in the forms of interaction and appropriation that implies a process of adaptation by all who work in the educational environment, not only coordinators, teachers and students, but also the agencies that subsidize the educational system.EnglishopenAccessTechnology and subjectivity in education: news urbanities to townconferenceObject1325-1330