CC-BYQi, BuriLin, JiaqiHe, Lei2024-11-272024-11-272024978-94-64981-82-7 changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12th July 2024Urban residential areas are an important unit of urban disaster prevention and reduction, which affects the goals, strategies and countermeasures of urban disaster prevention and reduction. The characteristics of current research on evaluating residents' disaster prevention capabilities are not applicable to urban planning research and practice. Based on the concept of comprehensive disaster prevention, this paper establishes a theoretical formula for assessing vulnerability and constructs six evaluation indicators that affect the disaster prevention capacity of residential areas. The weight of factors is determined by Delphi method and establish an evaluation model. Evaluate the disaster prevention capacity of residential areas using the standard evaluation guideline method. It provide guidance for evaluating the disaster prevention capacity of urban residential areas in China and formulating disaster prevention countermeasures. Key words: the residential area, disaster prevention capability assessment, vulnerability, assessment model, Standard Assessment Guide MethodEnglishopenAccessResearch on Assessment Model of Disaster Prevention Capability of Urban Residential AreaconferenceObject2939-2957