All rights reservedBarski, JanBarski, Jacek2024-03-192024-03-192015978-80-01-05782-7 of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015In the post-industrial, free-market economy, the ability of spatial planning to truly influence the location choices of business owners is limited, while the vast majority of means of production are in non-public hands. On top of that, coordinating spatial policies and decisions between administrative entities is a major challenge in numerous places in Europe. This paper offers a convenient case study of a medium-sized European city (Wroclaw, Poland) and an analysis of the spatial management complication which has observable consequences for the spatial structure and economic functioning of the city. The paper examines the situation through the lens of production and manufacturing activities (with a cautious approach to the term industry). The case is analysed in two inseparable ways: spatial and economic; parallel to that, the discussion is developed on the issue of the interconnection of policymaking in the metropolitan area (the city vs its surrounding rural communes). the changes in employment in subsequent sectors of the metropolitan area in the 25 years since the political transformation of Poland while keeping an eye on the physical, spatial changes of the aforementioned metropolitan area. The secondary output of the paper is outlining the suburbanisation processes of large Polish cities, however as seen not from the most frequently presented perspectives (such as housing or transportation), but from a more economy- and spatial responsibility-focused one.EnglishopenAccessindustrysuburbanisationspatial distribution of activities25 years after transformation: changes in spatial distribution of production activities in the case study of Wroclaw, PolandconferenceObject2662-2670