From knowledge of the territory to the spatial planning culture

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Consolidating the paradigm of territorial governance (with civil society increasingly and more activelyparticipating in spatial planning) with the assumptions of sustainable governance comes up against the lack ofrobust knowledge of the territory and a civic spatial planning culture, both from civil society as well aspolitical and technical decision-makers. In this context, it is proposed as a starting question how it is possible to develop a greater awareness on theterritory and a robust civic spatial planning culture for both in these new “actors” and the political and technical decision-makersso they see it as a common good and a scarce resource, ensuring its sustainable development.Underlying this question is another of no less importance: what is the role of school education, morespecifically the Geography discipline of secondary school, in the processes of collective learning about the territory and spatialplanning culture? After the theoretical study of the concept of territory, spatial planning and territorial planning culture,these are confronted with a representative sample of civil society through questionnaires applied to:- Secondary school students (who have not yet intervened in the reconfiguration of the territory),with or without frequency in the Geography discipline (in order to verify to what extent the geography, ofthis level of education, provides a better knowledge of the aforementioned concepts);- Parents guadians, representative of the adult population, who have already intervened, consciouslyor unconsciously, in territorial reconfiguration, but who do not have direct responsibilities in spatial planning.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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