Spatial integration and administrative complexity: Housing, employment, and mobility in the case of the Munich Metropolitan Region

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The Munich Metropolitan Region (MMR) is experiencing strong population and employment growth. Already under strain, housing, infrastructure and services need coordinated region-wide efforts to cope with the rising demand and infrastructure bottlenecks. These efforts, however, call for thorough analytical knowledge about locational choices of households and employers, as well as the requirements for transport infrastructure and services, and how these three structural dimensions interact simultaneously with each other. This paper introduces a study that aims to understand this complex interplay within the MMR. It includes preliminary results of a web-based survey, which invited newcomers to the region as well as citizens who have recently moved to state their locational preferences. The respondents georeferenced and assessed qualities of their present and former places of residence and work as well as locations considered during the process of apartment search. With this data it is possible to uncover trade-offs and preferences. A key hypothesis and preliminary finding of the survey is that functional relationships within the city region have become increasingly integrated, polycentric and complex. This is in contrast to the hierarchical but fragmented administrative reality, which consists of multiple overlapping layers of formal and informal regional planning between diverging local and federal state agendas, further complicated by artefacts like the airport and its economic and governance embedding. A truly regional, strategic approach might be better suited to handle the consequences of growth.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015
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