Publication: Urban Resilience in a Post Crisis Context The Regeneration of the Dublin Docklands
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This paper explores the regeneration of the Dublin Docklands, located in inner city Dublin, Ireland. Since the commencement of the regeneration programme in 1987, the area has been the site of complex, changing governance arrangements and has endured rapidly shifting economic conditions from the boom period of the late 1990s to the most severe economic crisis in 2007. During the boom period, the Docklands transformed from an area of derelicti become the location of Irelands most important financial services centre. In 1997, the establishment of a Special Purpose Development Authority (SPDA) to govern the redevelopment of the Docklands marked a radical shift in the philosophy guiding urban planning in Ireland towards more entrepreneurial style engagement with the property development sector (McCro Authority was vested with powers to fast track development in the area, expropr powers from the local authority. Under this new scheme, the Docklands developed rapidly until the economic crash in 2007, which created a complex new context for regeneration. This paper examines the role of urban planning in enhancing the resilience of the Docklands depicted here as the areas adaptive capacity in the face of crisis. Particularly, it focuses on the recent, post-crisis governance shift in the area the closure of the SPDA (now known as the Dublin Docklands Development Authority) and the designation of the area, in May 2014, as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ), a scheme which continues to utilise the fast track
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015
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