Publication: Research on the Suitability of Urban Blue Line Delineation Under the Territorial Space Planning System
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Urban river and lake systems are an important factor in maintaining the balance of urban habitats, and are of great significance to the improvement of urban habitat, urban economic development and urban construction. However, with the accelerated urbanisation process, the excessive pursuit of land development dividends and the long -term inappropriate urban development model have led to the over-expansion of construction land and the destruction of the water system environment and ecology, resulting in the phenomenon of "city into water" in many cities today.
The urban blue line (hereafter referred to as the blue line), as the core control line for planning the protection of urban water bodies in the Chinese context, contains the territorial boundaries for the protection and control of urban surface water bodies such as rivers, lakes, lakes, reservoirs, canals, and wetlands. Today, blue line planning is still generally oriented towards water management by water conservancy projects, and its content is mostly developed to focus on the engineering and functional characteristics of water as a resource and safety risk (Wu Yan et al., 2020), to address water facilities to manage water system pollution and water system flooding and drainage, and to enhance water system safety and water sensitive area conservation through cross -sectional design and plan zoning (Song Wanzhen et al., 2019). In recent years, the academic community has conducted some in -depth research and practical exploration on urban blue line research, mainly focusing on the objectives of blue line planning, design concepts, planning elements, alignment delineation, as well as the exploration of the main body of blue line preparation and management and reflections on river use and management, and has gained some control experience in the practice of cities such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing (Yang Peifeng and Li Jingbo, 2014;Yu Lu and Ding Nian, 2010; Chen Yewei, 2018), but the existing studies are insufficient for the delineation of the specific blue line and the blue line management system, and the delineation of the existing blue line still presents the realistic problem that the delineation differs from city to city, from department to department, and from normative ordinance to normative ordinance, which needs to be solved urgently. This paper responds to the existing problems to a certain extent by constructing a blue line delineation system of "three zones and two lines" and clarifying the management authority and responsibility system of water -related departments in the context of territorial spatial planning, in order to effectively solve the problems related to the delineation and implementation management of the blue line.
urban river systems, urban rivers, urban lakes, urban habitats, urban economy, urban construction, urban development