Publication: When POPS Travels: The Transnational Transfer of Incentive Zoning Policy and Its Implementation in Taiwan
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POPS, as known for “Privately Owned Public Spaces”, are amenity space built by private developers in exchange for additional floor area through incentive zoning ordinance. As part of 1961 New York City Zoning Resolution, their successes have drawn practitioners from local and aboard. In Taiwan, the concept of incentive zoning was first adopted in the capital city Taipei and later applied to all urbanized areas in Taiwan in 1984. Different from the original concept of “zoning” incentive with particular designated area in mind, the Taiwanese adaptation has been implemented as part of the building codes with site constraints only. What is the impact when the ordinance administered in the domain of building regulations rather than planning? Does the provision of open spaces serve in areas in need and who should hold accountable? These answers become fuzzy when the incentive zoning policy meets varying local conditions and morphological patterns. This paper takes Tainan City as a case study to examine the policy implementation in a historical yet less-densely built city. The POPS produced in lately 3 years are compiles from the building permit record system. To understand their spatial patterns at different scales, the distributions of POPS are identified in GIS and overplayed with existing socio-economic-physical variables. The types of open space, their patterns and use are examined through site visits and statistical analysis. This paper wishes to demonstrate the local adaptation of a transnational policy and develops a deeper understanding of its potential impacts.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility, Prague, 13-16th July, 2015
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