Publication: The effect of legislative framework in conservation practices: example of Turkey
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In the last decade, site conservation and ideas against site conservation such as transformation and renewal have become considerably contradictive subjects in Turkey. The implementation on these subjects and new projects are also taken into consideration as research studies. Along with these implementations about conservation and renewal, it is important to think what is expected for cities in near and distant future. In conservation and renewal studies, apart from their architectural, artistic, historical and esthetical values, cities should be evaluated with their social values. Moreover, it is a fact that that they have a living identity. As is known, the historical background of a built environment is the most important features that creates the identity of an area. Therefore, the conservation of historical environment has become an important component for the planning process. Important experiences have been obtained related with planning site conservation areas in Turkey, however there are significant problems in implementation especially at administrative level. Foremost among these problems are the troubles in the process of conservation planning and difficulty in creating a healthy relationship between urban planning system and conservation plans. Currently, urban areas and site conservation areas are planned within different legislations and organizational structure. Moreover, contradicting laws and regulations for site conservation areas result inconsistent implementations which different from each other in the same urban area.
Book of proceedings: Annual AESOP Congress, Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity, Lisbon, 11-14th July, 2017
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